So, these past few weeks have been extremely frustrating, but I have to say I think I am learning an important lesson from them. See, when the New Year rolled around and I was at Christmas Conference, I realized that for the first time in my life I wasn't going through a really difficult situation. It's kind of like this: I had overcome a lot in the past year or so, I was on top of a mountain if you may. Standing there on top, I had two choices... I could kinda chill out and enjoy the descent to the next valley OR I could prepare for the upcoming valley (even without knowing what it is). I told myself that I wanted to spend that descent in Go'd's word and in preparation for what might come at me next. I was expecting something great.
Unfortunately, I didn't really keep up as I had intended. I realized this yesterday as I was freaking out about a bunch of little things going on. I had lost my focus, I was unprepared, and the result was very frustrating. It was last night that I realized that I needed to hop back in line and start preparing me for the good things God has planned for me in the near future.... His Kingdom. The great things that I had my mind set on before I let the world get in my way.