So, as I was reading "One Thing You Can't Do in Heaven", a thought hit me. There are only 2 days that should be of concern to us... the rest do not matter. Judgement day and today. Now the first, Judgement day, is the most pressing concern. Many of us believe that we have that one covered, so we worry about today, tomorrow, next week, our future, who we will marry, what our career will be, if we will have enough money, how to pay off student loans, what to wear, where to live,who is dating who, who to support, and what team will play in the championship game....
We should constantly be concerned with our Judgement... think of what a short time we spend on this earth compared to what a long time we spend in eternity. How many people that we call close friends and family are walking around us, unsure about what their Judgement day will reveal. Now, I am speaking to myself just as much as anyone else, but what has happened to us? The Gospel is the living, breathing, Word of God in which He sent His son in a redemptive plan. We are undeserving, we are sinful, we are cunning, evil, lying, greedy, impure, immoral individuals who have been clothed in the righteousness and of a Savior and we sit around and worry about our future? Really, I mean come on...
TODAY is the only day we are promised and the only day we can actively take part in... think about it. The present is our opportunity to live the life we have been called to. In our Ephesians Bible study, we read yesterday in the 5th chapter where Paul calls the church to a worthy, wise, walk in the light. There is something very interesting about the parallels of light and darkness in the Bible in relation to science. Darkness, which represents all that is not of God, has not properties of its own. Darkness cannnot move, it does not overpower light. Instead, it is the absence of light. How cool is that? We are given one true light. It is up to us. We can choose to actively take part in the darkness or actively take part in spreading the light. There is no room for any other option.
So, back to the whole two day thing... I kind of get side tracked. I want to live my today to count for my Judgement day. Now, we are not saved by works, but they are still important in our daily lives. I want to take it one step further and challenge myself to live my today not just for my Judgement Day, but for those around me. I want to live a life in which my actions not only reflect my relationship with Christ, but that my words do also. It is great to speak through your actions... but how many people do you know that were saved without hearing the Word? Not many. It's our job to get out there and speak it.
So, as hard as it may be. I'm going to try to live for Judgement day, today. And let tomorrow worry about itself (just as Jesus said). It has been a recent struggle for me to figure out where I am going to live and how I am going to pay for my schooling and stuff, but you know what? That is ultimately in God's hands. I just have to acknowledge that and start living for what He put me here for: the advancement of His Kingdom.
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