Wednesday, January 23, 2008

There's a plank in my eye, but I want to complain about the speck in yours...

Ok, so it has been a really long time since I last wrote... I've been kind of busy, but mostly frustrated and in a bad mood. Thank goodness I am getting out of that!

So, I have two thoughts for the day. The second I will explore tomorrow. Firstly, I have been thinking alot today about the assumptions we make about other people. I mean, we are so quick to get angry at someone for cutting in front of us in traffic, or bumping us on the sidewalk and not appologizing, or taking the elevator up one flight insead of taking the stairs. The reality of the situation is that we don't know what is going on in that person's life. Maybe they have joint problems and the weather is affecting them. Or maybe their day just sucks. And instead of providing what may be the only smile in response to their bad mood, we glare at them.

Now, I am very much at fault for this. I realize that, but I would like to actively attempt to change that. So, if you see me or hear me glaring and complaining without just cause... call me out. Ha, that's an odd request I know.

On a lighter note, I am SOOO out of shape and I realized that last night when I ran suicides with the girls I coach. I'm thinking the Rec center is the place I need to be.


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