Friday, July 11, 2008

Not Alone

Today was a good day. I had one of those moments today... One of those moments that makes you smile to think back on it. Sometimes I refer to times such as these as a "God" moment. Regardless of what you call it, it happened. I was driving to Georgia to visit my Aunt and cousin and I have been listening to the book, "Blue Like Jazz", by Donald Miller on CD. It was nearing the end of the book, in the final chapters, and he gives the scenario of sitting down and talking to Jesus face to face.

Now, I have recently read "The Shack", so this whole talking to God as if He was right beside me thing isn't a brand new concept in my mind, but I really began to process it today. As the book was finishing up, I began to think about all the things that Jesus might say to me if He was in the car with me on the way to Atlanta. Then I began to think of all the things that Jesus said to people that's recorded in the New Testament. Would he tell me of how He is the bread of life? Would He fortell of a betrayal? Would He challenge me to step out of the boat onto the water as a leap of faith? Would He turn to me and tell me to walk away and "be healed"? I could go on and on with examples of what Jesus told different people in the Bible in their differnt encounters. There is a common theme with all of them though.... love. Love and understanding. Jesus spoke to each person with their current life circumstances in mind. From Mary and Martha to Zaccheus (sp?), He knew what was going on each person's life and His conversations were seeping with love and grace.

My mind started reeling as I turned off the radio and drove in silence. "I love you", that is what He would probably start off with, I thought. "You are my precious daughter and you are not alone." "I'm proud of you" "Everything happens in my perfect timing" "Give me your heart and I will take it, mend it, fill it, and protect it"

As I began to think of all these phrases, I began to cry in the car and pray to Him. For the first time in a while my prayers felt like a conversation again. You might ask why I am sharing such a moment with the few people who might read this... Think, what would Jesus say to you right now? Where in your life do you need Him most that He is wanting to make right? Here's the wonderful thing, He is sitting right here beside each and everyone of us waiting to tell us of His great love for us. It is up to us to be still and listen, for He is God!

1 comment:

Michelle and Jeremy said...

Hey Girl! I am so glad you had such a wonderful experience with the Lord. I hope your summer is going well. Jeremy and I would love to have you over sometime. I will be in touch. Take care and we love you!